This winter schedule is packed and we have lots of opportunities for you to get involved, equipped and have a lot of fun!
12/5 - Koinonia Bible study at First Pres
12/12 - All College Combined Bible study at First Pres
12/17-12/27 - Taiwan Winter Mission Team
12/19 - All College Bible study/Potluck at North Loop
12/20 - Angel Tree Christmas Party
12/31 - New Year's Watchnight Service
1/1 - New Year Celebration
1/4-1/15 - Cambodia Winter Mission Team
1/4 - 1/9 - Advanced C101 Training Camp
1/12 - 1/16 - GLIVE Tech & Arts Training Camp
1/13 - 1/15 - Soph Discipleship Retreat
1/15 - 1/18 - Senior Discipleship Retreat
1/17 - Snow Trip
1/23 - 1/25 - Church-wide Winter Retreat - SIGN-UP HERE
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Winter at Gracepoint!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
November's Bible Study/Post-Bible Study Activity Schedule
Here are November's Bible Study and Post-Bible Study Activity Schedule
11/21 - 6pm - Koinonia TC - at the Lipman Room in Barrows Hall
11/25 - Prayer Mtg/Bible study/HG gathering
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
In 24 hours, Today will be YESTERDAY and it’ll be GONE. Join us for a time of LIVE MUSIC, PERSONAL STORIES, a THOUGHT-PROVOKING TALK and some boba and food.
You don’t want to miss GONE.
Thanksgiving Retreat - Sat Nov 15
I've been attending Gracepoint now for over 14 years. I know I look like I just stepped foot on this campus =). Well, over the years our ministry has changed, matured and grown in many ways. 14 years ago, we were mainly doing ministry on just the Berkeley campus and there was just one college group. But now, we have a2f, koinonia and kairos on the Berkeley campus and we have koinonia's all over the bay area - from CSUEB to SFSU. And this of course, doesn't include our sister ministries like Bridgeway and Waypoint.
TC Trailer
So, it's that time of year again, when we go all out to make Thanksgiving really special. So we, as Koinonia and as a church, celebrate Thanksgiving in a grand style.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
October's Post-Bible Study Activities
Just wanted to give you a heads up for this month's activities after Bible Study, so you can mark your calendars.
Sierra we own a farm?
OK, so you may have heard about something about Sierra Lodge or Sierra Barn and maybe you're thinking we have a farm? Well, we don't although maybe one day we will be able to have some horses around! But we have some land up in the Sierras that we have been developing as a retreat site and a home for our getaways, camping trips, hiking trips, etc... But as hg RED has already blogged about this, i'll let them tell us all about it. Check out the link here:
Bowling This Past Friday
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
God doesn't waste...
This past Sunday, we had a special Sunday at Gracepoint Fellowship Church as we had a Baptism Service and our Open House, which highlighted the different ministries at our church. I think the Baptism service was my favorite part and I think I always tear up as I hear the testimonies of the people and hearing how each person has come from such a different place and yet we find ourselves so similar. Despite our pasts and history, we have a common theme in our lives; we're disconnected from our Maker in Heaven - God. And our sin has separated us and has often led us down very dark roads - pursuing the wrong things in our life instead of God like partying, drugs, alcohol, romance, and other addictions. But again, I love that part when each person comes to his/her senses and realizes, just like the prodigal son, that they have been living apart from God and what they were pursuing didn't and couldn't satisfy but only God could. They find what's always been missing.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Blogs, websites, news emails....
There are so many new ways to communicate with people in our tech-rich and rampant age. I'm trying to simplify ways to communicate with everyone - email, blogs, websites, etc... But to be honest there are just so many choices and unfortunately I still have not found a catch-all. So I'm going to be trying different things from now on.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Gracepoint Fellowship Church's Missions Night
Join us as we’ll be hearing testimonies and stories and watching videos/slideshows from fellow college students of Gracepoint Fellowship Church - A2F, Koinonia, and Kairos - who went from Honduras, to Taiwan, to China to Kyrgyzstan and Cambodia!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
NEW News...
Hi there,
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Mmm.. Ribs!
We kicked off our guys frosh small group this past week. We had home-cooked ribs, corn and bread! And then we spent some getting to know each other a little better and we got to hear about our various spiritual backgrounds. When asked what I want to get out of this small group - as the leader - I wanted to see each person grow and know God more and for us to get real close this semester!

Monday, September 8, 2008
Sophs are off to a great start!
Who knew that bread with a name as ugly as Pugliese could taste so good? And that Asians are lactose intolerant because there are no cows in the motherland??
They say that Sophomore year is really "suffer-more" year.. Well. At least we're off to a promising start! This Saturday, the sophomore small group had a time of food and fellowship which began with a home-cooked dinner in Alameda, followed by some Chinese dessert at Creations in SF. Of course, all this would not have been possible without Ella's yummy pasta recipe, Yumi and Jin generously lending us their 8-seater van, and Ellen for helping with cooking! Not to mention the rockstar parking just as we pulled up to Creations.
The adventure was not over for the few who slept over! We romped around the Central Apts complex and were fortunate enough to find Joanna at home so we could pop in for a "visit". Another highlight was witnessing a curious "moonset" at Shoreline Park as the dusty yellow crescent moon dipped itself into the twinkling city skyline and disappeared in a matter of minutes. Astro 10 anyone?
There are definitely many new experiences to come in Sophomore year – apartment life, harder classes .. and in the midst of it all, the challenge of living out God's calling, as disciples of Christ. But as James 1:2-4 says: 2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. Let's continue looking to God's word for encouragement and wisdom, as well as draw strength from our brothers and sisters in Christ here at Gracepoint!
Back on Campus!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Small group Video!
This is a small group video that was made by some of the tech guys from Gracepoint Fellowship Church - Berkeley. It's a free resource that actually anyone can download/use. I think that's awesome!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Can't Wait for NSWN 2!
I can't believe we're already at New Student Welcome Night. Last night was awesome and amazing as we got to meet many new friends. This past week has been filled with meeting lots of new people and playing lots Frisbee and eating lots of DC food! I love the fall as it's so exciting. Here are a few pics from last night...

Thursday, August 21, 2008
My FTS Experience
Hi everyone,
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Another Poll - Gracepoint Fellowship Church Worship Team
Hey everyone, James Kim, the worship team director at Gracepoint Fellowship Church in Berkeley, setup a poll to see what your favorite worship song is. Let him know by commenting on his site...and ours! Thanks to all of you who comment!
Friday Fun!!
Does this picture excite you? Well, there's more of that! This Friday. Ok, if you're a vegetarian, I'm sorry. We'll have something for you, too! But This Friday we'll be having a Koinonia-wide bbq at Leydecker in Alameda. We'll be playing some sports and just having a fun old time. Some of the senior guys are going to setup. Let me know if you can go early. We're starting at 5pm!
NSWN - just around the corner!
Are you getting pumped, yet? NSWN is just around the corner. If you're free this week during the day to help out, sign-up here:
Pastor Ed's Poll?
Hey all, did you check out Pastor Ed Kang's poll that he's taking on his blog? Check it out before it closes. BTW, I had my share of cockroach stories, too! I'll share them at our next mtg =).
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
NSWN 1 and 2
It's almost here! I can't believe it but we're almost at the beginning of another year. Smell that? It's freshmen - almost- in the air. What was your guys' favorite part of NSWN when you first came? Comment below!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Our Faucherie Camping Trip
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Dinner @ Eldwin's
Last night a few of us were over at Sam and Eldwin's place. and we (Chris, Jeff and I) were treated to a royal seafood feast. Eldwin, who's one of the juniors in homegroup5 has been living in an apartment off campus and has been really honing his cooking skills. I'm sure he has been learning from Chef Ko's cooking program! This is just a prime example of how you can take cooking to the next level and sharing this joy with others. Thanks for opening up your home and giving us such a great meal. I can't wait to have many more meals with many more people this year!
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Flickr Link
Have you ever wondered how you could get one of these awesome hg pictures on the right hand side of this blog? here's your chance!
you can get full-res pics of our events here. and if you want, there are some pics of maddy there too. i'll try to update those for you guys.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
It's Just a Little Bit...
Did you know that I have my own Food Network Show? Ha, just kidding. Actually, I really wish i did =). Well, in that spirit, I made this video last week as an example for one of my messages at the FTS Retreat. The example was to support the idea: Even just a little bit of something that does not belong is WRONG. This most clearly relates to how even a little bit of sin, which does not belong, damages and harms us. I hope you learn from this funny example and yet important spiritual lesson!
Dish-gracepoint - Food at Gracepoint Fellowship Church
One of the many skills and talents that you MUST acquire is learning to cook for more than just yourself. It's an important skill to learn so that you can learn to love and care for others. So many people learn to cook for at least their roommates and a few new students. And that's wonderful but at times you NEED to cook for at least 30! Ellen's great at doing this and no less talented is my dear brother in Christ, Tom Kim. In fact, he's so passionate about cooking for 30 and making it cheap that he created this website:
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Back from the FTS Retreat
I'm back! and what a roller coaster ride it has been! First off, I just wanted to thank you for your prayers and I wanted to thank and praise God for the 3 salvation decisions! 3 of the FTS kids made very clear and sincere decisions; what a sweet sight to see. Giving 6 messages over the 4 days was quite challenging but I got to really experience the church as people were helping in all sorts of ways - from helping me with examples and giving me feedback about my messages, helping me with props, and even giving me tech support (as my hard drive crashed during the retreat) and to all the prayers I received. I was so thankful for all the support. I'll tell you more about the retreat this Friday during our homegroup time. See you!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Leaving for our FTS Retreat
Hi everyone,
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Gracepoint Fellowship Church - Summer IMs
Jammy Yang, our head coordinator for Gracepoint's Summer IMs, has asked me to post a link for you to check out the weekly schedule, stats and HIGHLIGHTs from each week's IMs. Highlights - hey, how come I'm missing?
Honduras 1 Team Video
Gordon Lai from Gracepoint SF Chapel has posted a vide from their Honduras 1 trip. Check it out here:
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Visiting From Gracepoint Fellowship Church - Hsinchu
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Ultimate Pizza
Monday, July 14, 2008
Double Portion
"It's so hard to say goodbye." This pop song I grew up listening to in the 80's echoed my sentiments this past week as we sent off our Austin team. It can only be easy to say goodbye if you don't know the person or you don't have a shared history. But I've had a shared history. I've known Pastor Manny and Sunny for 14 years. Actually I've known Sunny longer as she's my cousin. But we've bonded more closely than as just physical family members. We've grown closer as coworkers and partners in serving God and His church. From my freshman year, they've helped me mature and grow up and actually begin to care about others. They helped me to turn my selfish heart into a heart of service by the example of their own lives.
Gracepoint Fellowship Church's 30 hour famine
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to let you know about another blog we created to share stories from the 30 hour famine. Please submit your stories! Here's the link:
Also, just wanted to let you know that we as a church raised over $106,000! Praise the Lord. I'm so thankful to be part of this and glad that many of you were able to participate as well.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Kelly Kang's Sharing
Hi everyone,
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
wearing different shoes
"Would you like to donate a $1 to help fight world hunger? A dollar feeds a child for a whole day". I repeated these words outside a Safeway in Alameda for a few hours last Saturday to finish off a day of stepping into the shoes of another person. Along with over 400 other members of Gracepoint Berkeley and from 17 people from our homegroup we fasted for 30 hours. We fasted to feel just a little bit of hunger that others in our world feel daily. And if you know me, you know how much I do love food. I think the experience that hit me the most though was the AIDS exhibit by World Vision. We trekked down to Fremont after our Clinton Village visit and got to actually listen along to the story of 1 of 4 children in Africa who face the reality of AIDS, poverty, physical danger and being orphaned. Walking through the exhibit was like walking in their actual home and seeing what they faced; it was sobering to say the least. At the minimum I cannot complain about anything....anything. I have so much. Some said you're doing such a good thing or you're a saint to do that but going through the experience I felt like a sinner ever more. I thank God for the opportunity to go through this kind of experience and I'm so glad our whole church could as well. As a church, Gracepoint Fellowship in Berkeley, raised over $76000. I give all the praise to the Lord and thank all the generous people who donated and for those who participated in this very meaningful effort. I hope we can continue to live out the lessons we learned and participate with even more vigor next year!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
GSI - Gracepoint Summer Institute

Monday, May 26, 2008
Going to Korea
Yup, I'm going to Korea for a week with Ellen and Madeleine. We're going to visit my relatives who have not met Ellen or Madeleine and also for a wedding. Even though it's just a week, it already feels like a long time. One thing for sure is I'm not looking forward to the flight...12 hours... As usual, I'll post pics...see you next week!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Convocation and Commencement
Spring always brings the start and end to many things in life - from rain to sunshine, from hidden sprigs to blooming flowers, from seniors to graduates. Running from Zellerbach to the Greek Theater and cheering graduates and then running back to Sproul to take pictures and meeting parents and family friends and sharing a celebratory meal is all a part of this wonderful celebration. Spring is the season of change and it's so exciting to see many end this chapter of their lives. And so as we end another year of school I'm reminded of the many faces of those who have made Gracepoint and Koinonia their home for the past four years. I really consider it a privilege that I have had the opportunity to minister to many of them - eating in our home, teaching them Bible study, playing countless games and sports, joking and telling stories, taking trips and even speaking some hard truths at times; and some I've had the privilege of seeing come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior. I feel so blessed seeing how their lives and ours have intertwined. But I know that as much as this is the end of a season, it is the beginning of another. I always thought commencement was an odd word for a graduation ceremony but over the years I have seen how it is a fitting word for graduates as they begin this new and almost real chapter of their lives. All they learned in college is what they will take with them for almost the rest of their lives. Thinking back to a Sunday message we recently had in Mark 12, I'm reminded that all of our lives belong to God. And I pray that the seniors can really submit their entire lives to the Lordship of Christ - from their jobs, careers, grad school, marriage, time, energy, money - so that they can personally experience God and so that God can use each of those things - degrees, money, jobs.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Koinonia 2 - Year in Review
Here's a slideshow that some of the staff put together of our past year together.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Farewell, adieu to you and you and you
Before embarking on finals we all gathered one last time this school year to honor the seniors who are graduating this year. We celebrated May bdays, played "Guess Who" (an embarrassing game that tries to match people to their baby pictures) and ended the night with a few last words from the seniors and the staff. The seniors shared their words of wisdom to the other students and the staff shared their advice for the seniors and students.
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Courage - Facing Fears

All Koinonia Bible Study - 5/9 @ 7pm
This Friday we will have an All Koinonia Bible Study at 7pm at First Presbyterian. Afterward, we will be gathering Koinonia 2 wide to have an end of the year final rally together and have a special time with the seniors (and one junior) who are graduating! We're going to play some games, watch a slideshow and hear some parting and special words from the seniors themselves.
Please join us and support our graduates!
31 rows
If you've ever played Jenga you know the "pressure" that's involved as you must move a building block from the bottom to the top. Among four friends it's fun but among forty? Now that's pressure! Last Friday night, after our Gracepoint Monthly, the Frosh and Sophs from Koinonia 2 gathered to have some shaved ice and play some games. We started off with Family Feud which went down-to-the-wire and then we finished off the night with team jenga. With 40 people in 4 different teams taking turns we made it up to 31 rows! Check out the slideshow.
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Gracepoint Monthly - 5/2 @ 7pm

Leads me "beside quiet waters"
Psalm 23 is one of the classic Christian passages of all time and I thought it was a wonderful passage to reflect on this past week and in light of our Baptism service this past Sunday. One of the girls in Ellen's group along with 18 other people got baptized this past weekend. As I heard many people's stories from the videos I thought how many were the same in that they were lost or looking for some "pool of water to satisfy" them like ambition, career, romance, just being liked but in the end God found them and directed them to the water that would truly satisfy them.
Hans and Franz
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Clinton Village Visit
Last week some of us from Koinonia2 got together and visited Clinton Village Nursing Home in Oakland. We went there for our annual Valentine's Day of Compassion and they asked us to come back. We sang a few songs, one of the brothers did a gospel presentation with some rope and magic and we got to spend time with some really precious souls. I think we were the most blessed as we got to share just a little bit of love. How appropriate it was for us to be meditating on 1 Corinthians 13.
Baptism Sunday - 4/27 @ 4pm

Homegroup Bible Study - 4/25 @ 7pm