Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Blogs, websites, news emails....

There are so many new ways to communicate with people in our tech-rich and rampant age.  I'm trying to simplify ways to communicate with everyone - email, blogs, websites, etc... But to be honest there are just so many choices and unfortunately I still have not found a catch-all.  So I'm going to be trying different things from now on. 

Here's how I like to divide the info:
Blog: Special posts/pics/sharings.  I want more of you to share and comment here!  Send me something you'd like to share with the rest of us. Updated regularly. 
Web News: Each week's events/news, coming month's news, calendar events in web form. Updated regularly.
Email: Each week's events/news that I will email out - on a weekly basis. 

I'll try this out for the next couple of weeks and see how it goes.  Please comment with questions or suggestions. 

Monday, September 22, 2008

Gracepoint Fellowship Church's Missions Night

Join us as we’ll be hearing testimonies and stories and watching videos/slideshows from fellow college students of Gracepoint Fellowship Church - A2F, Koinonia, and Kairos - who went from Honduras, to Taiwan, to China to Kyrgyzstan and Cambodia!

WHEN: FRIday, 9/26 @ 7pm
WHERE: First Pres. Church on Channing/Dana

Check out the trailer...