Who knew that bread with a name as ugly as Pugliese could taste so good? And that Asians are lactose intolerant because there are no cows in the motherland??
They say that Sophomore year is really "suffer-more" year.. Well. At least we're off to a promising start! This Saturday, the sophomore small group had a time of food and fellowship which began with a home-cooked dinner in Alameda, followed by some Chinese dessert at Creations in SF. Of course, all this would not have been possible without Ella's yummy pasta recipe, Yumi and Jin generously lending us their 8-seater van, and Ellen for helping with cooking! Not to mention the rockstar parking just as we pulled up to Creations.
The adventure was not over for the few who slept over! We romped around the Central Apts complex and were fortunate enough to find Joanna at home so we could pop in for a "visit". Another highlight was witnessing a curious "moonset" at Shoreline Park as the dusty yellow crescent moon dipped itself into the twinkling city skyline and disappeared in a matter of minutes. Astro 10 anyone?
There are definitely many new experiences to come in Sophomore year – apartment life,
harder classes .. and in the midst of it all, the challenge of living out God's calling, as disciples of Christ. But as James 1:2-4 says: 2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. Let's continue looking to God's word for encouragement and wisdom, as well as draw strength from our brothers and sisters in Christ here at Gracepoint!