Thursday, July 31, 2008

Dinner @ Eldwin's

Last night a few of us were over at Sam and Eldwin's place.  and we (Chris, Jeff and I) were treated to a royal seafood feast. Eldwin, who's one of the juniors in homegroup5 has been living in an apartment off campus and has been really honing his cooking skills. I'm sure he has been learning from Chef Ko's cooking program!  This is just a prime example of how you can take cooking to the next level and sharing this joy with others.  Thanks for opening up your home and giving us such a great meal. I can't wait to have many more meals with many more people this year! 

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Flickr Link

Have you ever wondered how you could get one of these awesome hg pictures on the right hand side of this blog? here's your chance!

you can get full-res pics of our events here. and if you want, there are some pics of maddy there too. i'll try to update those for you guys.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Camping Trip this Weekend!

UPDATED: Here's a pic of Lake Faucherie, where we're going!