Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Blogs, websites, news emails....

There are so many new ways to communicate with people in our tech-rich and rampant age.  I'm trying to simplify ways to communicate with everyone - email, blogs, websites, etc... But to be honest there are just so many choices and unfortunately I still have not found a catch-all.  So I'm going to be trying different things from now on. 

Here's how I like to divide the info:
Blog: Special posts/pics/sharings.  I want more of you to share and comment here!  Send me something you'd like to share with the rest of us. Updated regularly. 
Web News: Each week's events/news, coming month's news, calendar events in web form. Updated regularly.
Email: Each week's events/news that I will email out - on a weekly basis. 

I'll try this out for the next couple of weeks and see how it goes.  Please comment with questions or suggestions. 


Anonymous said...

I really like the new emails! Can we go bowling next time?

Anonymous said...

thx for all the hard work, john :), I will remember to check all three of those things :P~ And yea, let's go bowling!!!

Anonymous said...

I concur. Thanks for all the blogs, email and websites. I have to admit I'm guilty of not checking that often, but nevertheless, all the hard work is appreciated =).

Oh and it looks like Oliva and Janet's wishes are coming true since we're going bowling tomorrow! Yay!