Tuesday, October 7, 2008

October's Post-Bible Study Activities

Just wanted to give you a heads up for this month's activities after Bible Study, so you can mark your calendars. 

10/3 - Bowling
10/10 - Homegroup Gathering at our place in Alameda
10/17 - UPDATED: Movie Night at our place - Watching "Glory"
10/24 - HG Activity
10/31 - UPDATED: Sports/Game night in Alameda.

Sierra Barn...do we own a farm?

OK, so you may have heard about something about Sierra Lodge or Sierra Barn and maybe you're thinking barn...do we have a farm?  Well, we don't although maybe one day we will be able to have some horses around!  But we have some land up in the Sierras that we have been developing as a retreat site and a home for our getaways, camping trips, hiking trips, etc...  But as hg RED has already blogged about this, i'll let them tell us all about it. Check out the link here:


Bowling This Past Friday


last Friday, hg5 and hg7 a.k.a R.E.D, went out to Country Club Bowling in San Rafael. Here are some pics from this past Friday's bowling. Sorry, couldn't get everyone. ps...if you don't want your pic here, let me know and i'll remove it =). 

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.