Thursday, April 24, 2008


Last Sunday, after church, a bunch of us went to go watch Expelled, a documentary about the tension between the theory of Intelligent Design and Darwinism.  The film stars Ben Stein whom I know most famously from the old film about skipping school called "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"- "Bueller, Bueller".  If you haven't seen the movie don't worry about it but Stein is hilarious for his monotone demeanor and being quite expressionless, which is actually funny. I found the movie very stimulating and although I am not a science major I have studied both camps quite a bit.  I definitely was impressed with the movie and especially many of the implications of the ideas of a life that is lived out simply from a Darwinian perspective that does not include a Creator God or an Intelligent Designer.  Having studied history and political movements and its ideas and theories I saw the powerful effect of a worldview that is devoid of a Creator.  
As we exited the theater we had a really unexpected surprise. We ran into Dr. Philip Johnson, author of "Darwin on Trial" and professor of law at Boalt Hall at UC Berkeley.  He was one of the pioneers in the movement against Darwinism and worked closely with Dr. William Dembski who was also in the movie.  It was a powerful moment as we got to be together and just share in the historic event of this movie coming out.  Pastor Ed Kang was there and we prayed together for the ID movement and the many people working hard within it and just the bringing down of the walls in academia. What a way to finish the movie. I was really thankful for all the people in the sciences who are working so hard and using the gift of their intellect to fight in the battle of worldviews and ideas. 

Monday, April 21, 2008

Clinton Village Visit

Last week some of us from Koinonia2 got together and visited Clinton Village Nursing Home in Oakland.  We went there for our annual Valentine's Day of Compassion and they asked us to come back.  We sang a few songs, one of the brothers did a gospel presentation with some rope and magic and we got to spend time with some really precious souls.  I think we were the most blessed as we got to share just a little bit of love.  How appropriate it was for us to be meditating on 1 Corinthians 13. 

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Baptism Sunday - 4/27 @ 4pm

I am very excited and thankful for all the brothers and sisters at our church who will be baptized this coming Sunday.  Baptism Sunday is a special time for us as a church as we get to hear and watch the video testimonies of how people came to know God and have a personal relationship with Him.  Some people come from very good homes and some from broken homes and some who grew up in church their whole lives and some who never stepped foot into a church before ours.  Truly the gospel message is for all people. 

Homegroup Bible Study - 4/25 @ 7pm

I know you're thinking, yeah right.  But really, we are going to have a homegroup Bible study this week.  And it will be the last one of the semester as we're going to have all Koinonia Bible studies on campus from May.  This week we're going to be going over Psalm 23.