Hi everyone,
Friday, July 18, 2008
Leaving for our FTS Retreat
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Gracepoint Fellowship Church - Summer IMs
Jammy Yang, our head coordinator for Gracepoint's Summer IMs, has asked me to post a link for you to check out the weekly schedule, stats and HIGHLIGHTs from each week's IMs. Highlights - hey, how come I'm missing?
Honduras 1 Team Video
Gordon Lai from Gracepoint SF Chapel has posted a vide from their Honduras 1 trip. Check it out here:
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Visiting From Gracepoint Fellowship Church - Hsinchu
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Ultimate Pizza
Monday, July 14, 2008
Double Portion
"It's so hard to say goodbye." This pop song I grew up listening to in the 80's echoed my sentiments this past week as we sent off our Austin team. It can only be easy to say goodbye if you don't know the person or you don't have a shared history. But I've had a shared history. I've known Pastor Manny and Sunny for 14 years. Actually I've known Sunny longer as she's my cousin. But we've bonded more closely than as just physical family members. We've grown closer as coworkers and partners in serving God and His church. From my freshman year, they've helped me mature and grow up and actually begin to care about others. They helped me to turn my selfish heart into a heart of service by the example of their own lives.
Gracepoint Fellowship Church's 30 hour famine
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to let you know about another blog we created to share stories from the 30 hour famine. Please submit your stories! Here's the link: http://30hourfamine-gfc.blogspot.com/
Also, just wanted to let you know that we as a church raised over $106,000! Praise the Lord. I'm so thankful to be part of this and glad that many of you were able to participate as well.